Friday, August 24, 2012

School Days....

August is almost over, we celebrated our 16th anniversary yesterday, and we now have all four school aged kids in school, officially!

Today was Alyssa's 1st full day of school.  She is in the Kindergarten Readiness Class this year, we have been doing phase in days the past few days...Doesn't she look happy?  She is pretty excited to be at the same school as the twins this year...I am more driving all the way to Eagleville every day!

The other 3 kiddos started on August 10th - they are doing pretty well and seem to like their teachers.  Don't they look big?  Zach is in the 6th grade - we are officially "old" now that we have a middle-schooler!  His shirt tucked in has absolutely nothing to do with my fashion sense - they have to tuck them in for middle school...Kind of nerdy, if you ask me, but it is for safety reasons (they want to make sure the kids don't have bad things in their pockets)...He is doing the Cross Country team this year and really seems to enjoy running.  Reagan and Emma are in the 3rd grade...sure have come a long way since they were 3 lbs 6 oz and 4 lbs 7 oz!

Here's to a great school year!  Hoping it is much less drama filled than the last one...

Oh, and I forgot to mention that Ashleigh is kind of, well....sad...that they are all gone, especially Alyssa.  She has been telling me that she is going to Kindergarten "tomorrow"...Sadly, I am sure that it will seem like tomorrow for me!  The years are going by so fast, I just want her to stay little for longer...