Today, I became the mother of a ten year old boy. It is a bit see - that is double digits. I have a kid in the double digits! YIKES!!! Where did the time go? He went from a little scrap of a thing to a kid who is only 8 inches (or a little less) shorter than me...
I know, I are saying - "It's not like it is that much of an accomplishment to get that tall, Jennifer!" I beg to differ, was a great accomplishment for ME to get this there. (get a mental picture of a tongue sticking out at you now) :)
Anyway - Mr. Zach is an enigma. He can be nutty and funny one minute and helpful the next...still a little boy - but becoming a young man...I AM NOT READY FOR THIS!
Oh - and I have to tell you about our conversation the other morning...
ME: "Zach, did you put on deodorant after your bath?"
ZACH: "No."
ME: "You are going to be 10 years old tomorrow - you kind of should be putting it on every day...have you been putting it on at all?"
ZACH: "Oh. Well, yes - I usually put it on before scouts on Wednesday nights."
I think we are going to have to work on this concept a little bit, don't you???
Anyway - Happy Birthday to our firstborn son...We love you and hope that you survive another year with us...just kidding...